

Simplicitas is able to offer planned respite, in certain circumstnaces, where families simply need a break from the day-to-day responsibilities of being carers as well as relatives, or where support is needed for a specific family activity, such as going on a family holiday. Packages are individually designed, and may be as simple as calling for a half day each week to take the person out of the home for an enjoyable activity, or moving a support team into the family home to take over for a brief period, enabling the other family members to get away. We can also offer bespoke daily programmes for those living in larger residential settings where those services are presently challenged in terms of keeping a person occupied, and disruption ensues. By supplementing the offer of the existing service, and offering a change of environment and a more personalised activity and development package than the current organisation may be able to deliver, we can calm a difficult situation, and help to make the existing placement more viable, preventing breakdown and disruption in the longer term.

Our outreach programmes are suitable for those who need the skills and insights of a therapeutically trained support team, but may need this only for a time limited period, to address specific areas of difficulty in their life. People receiving outreach support from us will already be in a stable living situation, and may receive anything from 4 hours to 20 hours of input a week, which is tailored to their individual needs and preferences.